#: locale=ru
## Медиа
### Заголовок
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## Поп-ап
### Тело
htmlText_7B7044E7_4B6B_CB25_41C0_7A5F1EF79653.html =
Manufactured by Transneft Diascan, JSC
Unrivaled at the market.
Capable of conducting both magnetic (MFL) and ultrasonic (WM and CD) pipeline diagnostics for metal loss, longitudinal and transverse cracks within one inspection run, taking advantage of the two technologies at a time.
htmlText_4EF44CDC_5FEA_8977_41C9_B844046718DA.html =
Created by Transneft R&D
Patent holders: Transneft, Transneft R&D, Transneft Upper Volga.
Designed to eliminate consequences of oil spills on water surfaces and soil. The product consists of microorganisms put on a peat base. The waste product should not be collected from the surface; applicable at negative temperatures.
htmlText_65E9DE78_4B6E_F72B_4183_0F17228641AC.html =
Manufactured by Transneft Oil Pumps, JSC
Developed in Russia. Import substitution of equipment supplied by: NasosEnergoMash (Ukraine), SULZER (Switzerland).
Designed to operate as part of the pumping unit to transport commercial crude oil via oil trunk pipelines. Installed indoors, man-free operation.
htmlText_7B31248D_4B6E_4BE5_41C3_F19B2C57EA43.html =
Manufactured by Transneft Oil Pumps, JSC
Developed in Russia. Import substitution of equipment supplied by: NasosEnergoMash (Ukraine), SULZER (UK), EBARA (Japan), Flowserve (USA), RuhrPumpen (Germany).
Designed to ensure a required boost upstream of mainline pumps for oil transportation via trunk pipelines. Installed outdoors, man-free operation.
htmlText_7A1B638F_4B5E_CDE4_41C7_9CC568397EF0.html =
Manufactured by REM, JSC
Developed in Russia. Import substitution of equipment supplied by: Siemens (Germany), Nidec ASI (Italy).
Designed to operate as part of the pumping unit to transport crude oil and petroleum products via trunk pipelines. Operated indoors in explosion hazard areas where steam- and gas-air explosive mixtures could be formed.
htmlText_79EB41A8_4B2E_CD2B_41AB_8D0112708863.html =
Manufactured by TOMZEL, JSC
Developed in Russia. Import substitution of equipment supplied by: AUMA (Germany), Rotork (UK).
Designed for control of shut-off valves elements DN 80...150 PN 1.6...6.3 MPa for oil trunk pipelines, operated outdoors and indoors in explosion hazard areas.
htmlText_67ED9A37_4B5E_3F25_41C7_79B14B2C8AD4.html =
Manufactured by TOMZEL, JSC
To substitute fluid density converters imported from the USA.
It is designed to measure the liquid density with set accuracy in the required range for accounting oil and petroleum products. It doesn't need daily maintenance. The tests are run at the operating site and do not require to dismantle the converter.
htmlText_79B9A9CE_4B56_FD64_418D_F5AC44DAA0C6.html =
Участок магистрального трубопровода демонстрирует основные технологические объекты и технические решения, направленные на энергосбережение и повышение энергоэффективности.
ДВУХОПОРНЫЙ НМ 10000-210 ТИП BB1 ПО API 610 (ГОСТ 32601-2013)
Разработано в России. Замещение импортного оборудования производства: НасосЭнергоМаш (Украина), SULZER (Швейцария).
Предназначен для использования в составе насосного агрегата для перекачки товарной нефти по магистральным нефтепроводам. Размещаются в помещениях без постоянного присутствия обслуживающего персонала.
## Скин
### Image
Image_4D814365_6DA7_9B6B_41C9_F0948222EC93.url = skin/Image_4D814365_6DA7_9B6B_41C9_F0948222EC93_ru.png
Image_791C96B5_6D5C_9DEB_41D3_A45DCA34CDF5.url = skin/Image_791C96B5_6D5C_9DEB_41D3_A45DCA34CDF5_ru.png
Image_79AA98A6_6D5D_B5E9_41D5_C4C9A4BA5628_mobile.url = skin/Image_79AA98A6_6D5D_B5E9_41D5_C4C9A4BA5628_mobile_ru.png
### Многострочный текст
HTMLText_326D46E0_22B5_1C75_4172_E9C7D87F9F5C.html =
HTMLText_79A538A6_6D5D_B5E9_41A4_8ADB363459EE_mobile.html = Государственный музей
«Царскосельская коллекция»
Собрание произведений ленинградского и московского поставангарда 20 — 90-х годов ХХ века, сохраняющих традиции живописно-пластического реализма.
Часть постоянной экспозиции посвящена художникам Арефьевского круга.
Музей регулярно проводит выставки современных художников.
Основан в 1991 году художником Александром Некрасовым. Здание музея 1909 года выполнено в стиле модерн по проекту архитектора Густава фон Голи.
HTMLText_5534D42D_5A65_5B23_41C4_FFA33950F844.html =
## Тур
### Заголовок
tour.name = 3d tur
### Описание
tour.description = Transneft